Salve a tutti, qui di seguito copio e incollo il messaggio che ho - in quanto socio AKA - appena ricevuto dalla responsabile della "Region 13", il settore "estero" della nota federazione americana.
OVVIAMENTE l'iniziativa NON è riservata soltanto ai soci, c'è da vincere una scommessa e possiamo, anzi dobbiamo dare tutti una mano.
To everyone in Region 13 who loves kids, kites and especially those kidswho are sick.We can all make a difference today. And it won't cost anything.
I've heard that there's a campaign called SERAFIEN, and I'll let ourBelgium friend, Frank, tell you about it -
A couple lost their 2-year old daughter in July 2007 after a 7-monthnon-curable disease. They received palliative care( for the little girl from avoluntary team of caretakers from the university of Louvain (oldest and atop university in Belgium) academic hospital.
The parents were very grateful for the fact that their child could remainwith them and die at home and they were taken by the fact that palliativecare for adults was paid back by the social security, but not palliativecare for children. So they set up a non-profit organisation called"Serafien", after the good angels (Belgians are predominantly catholic)and after their daughter who was called Fien. Their symbol is a kite, as alink between earth and heaven. The aim is to draw attention for thepalliative care for children and the necessity to have it in the socialsecurity (meaning it would be mostly free).
For that they have the support of many people and organisations, one ofthem being a cultural group by the name of "Keldertrapken" (literally:'the cellar staircase'). This group apparently has taken severalinitiatives to promote the aims of Serafien, mostly in the form of bets:they go to well known people and ask them for a challenge. If they canfulfill the assignment, then the challenger will do something in return,like giving a benefit performance, or doing something special that wouldattract a lot of publicity for the cause.
Now to kites (also the symbol of Serafien): one of the challenges theyreceived is from Gert Bettens from the music group "K's Choice". He betsthey cannot gather 5000 pictures of people with their kite from all overthe world. If they do succeed, he will give a free performance at a bigbenefit concert to be given in Antwerp later this year to promote theaction of Serafien.
The press is picking up on the initiative and even in the Netherlandsthere have been reactions in the press.
So to conclude, I think this is a good initiative, serving a good causeand it does not require too much effort from us kiters, just uploading apicture of oneself (or wife/kid/friend...) with a kite, or a picture ofanother kite taken with a kite, and then filling in the place where it waspictured and eventually your name.
And here's how you can help -You can upload your pictures here...
1/ In the 1st box, choose 'bladeren (=browse)' to select the file.
2/ In the 2nd box, enter the location where the picture is taken with someshort info (in your language) and maybe your name or hometown
3/ Press 'opladen (=upload)' That's all.
The end result is planned for December and will be displayed in a big showin AntwerpI'd really like for Region 13 to show the way by everyone taking 2 minutesto upload at least ONE image each!I've also asked all the other AKA Regional Directors to ask THEIR membersto help too.With AKA's total membership around 3500+, we alone could just aboutfulfill the aim for this campaign!
You'll be doing something really good to benefit someone else, and youwon't have to leave your home to do it.
Thank you.
Linda Sanders
AKA Region 13 (International) Director
Adesso tocca a noi... ;-)
Sempre buoni 20.
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2 commenti:
Ciao Giacomo,
ho letto veloce e rileggerò... e qualche foto in aggiunta sicuramente ci sarà.
A poi,
buoni incroci.
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